Battery Monitors: Keep Your 12V Car Battery in Check

Batteries have been around for much longer than you’d expect. Originating in their most rudimentary form back in 1859, they were only made of cloth some wires and brine. Today they’re the most advanced they’ve ever been which has led to the point where there are two different options when it comes to vehicles. There are 24V and 12V batteries.

24V batteries are able to store more power than a 12V battery which is why they are not used for the same thing despite both being automotive batteries. Although a 12V battery is not as capable it should not be left unattended especially if you rely on more than one in your vehicle. This is where a 12V battery monitor can make a big difference.

Benefits of Battery Monitors


The main goal of a battery monitor device is to prevent future issues from occurring on your 12V battery. This way you’re able to intercept any problems which are indicated by a drop in voltage of fluctuations. This is why an automotive battery monitor is crucial if you tend to go on long trips.

car battery monitor


Although they’re called battery monitors, monitoring is not all they do. You can also control the battery through this device as long as it allows you to connect it to your smartphone. Most 12V monitors do allow you to shut off the battery and turn it back on again when needed but that should only be done when troubleshooting.


Again, relying on the smartphone integration of a 12V battery monitor you can also access certain information that you would otherwise need to open the bonnet for. Stuff like voltage level, current levels and Ah rating can all be viewed directly from your phone.


Being able to access information and control certain aspects of a 12V battery makes it a lot easier to keep an eye on your battery which is what makes battery monitors quite a convenient solution.

car diagnostics tool


The lifespan of a 12V battery isn’t short by any means but if you want to use it for a lot longer than expected a battery monitor is a must. This is because it can prevent future issues and thus keep the battery working for longer.

What to Look for in a Battery Monitor


Despite being rather simple devices, you need to pay attention to certain specifications and features of battery monitors. For starters, you have their voltage range which strangely enough should range anywhere from 6.5 to 70 volts. At least that is for most 12V monitors, more advanced ones can reach up to 120 volts. This will help detect issues if the battery is over or under-consuming.


The second most important spec would be the current range of the battery. Now this can fluctuate depending on the model you go for. Higher-end battery monitors are able to measure levels of up to 500 amps while more affordable ones can do so with up to 100 amps of current.

battery current range


Although quite a new feature, Bluetooth connectivity is now paramount for 12V monitors too. This is what will give you the convenience I mentioned earlier as well as the access to information at any given time, given your car is working when checking on the battery.


The design of an automotive battery monitor matters more than you think. A compact and sleek-looking monitor is going to make your engine bay look the same. No one will be able to tell that you have one under the bonnet and it won’t be in the way of other components.


Although Bluetooth connectivity gives you information about your 12V battery in your pocket having a display on the motor itself isn’t a bad addition. It will show you the current voltage and amp rating when you have the bonnet open and your hands dirty.

battery bluetooth tool


A game changer of a feature nowadays is the ability to get alerts whenever there is something abnormal happening with the battery. This way you can be even better at preventative maintenance as you will notice future issues in their roots. Alerts can be preset to inform you of any changes that may not be abnormal but ones that you want to be notified of when they happen if you want to be extra cautious.


Another important yet often undermined feature is the ability to perform various tests on the battery. These tests are meant to give you information about the battery’s performance as well as its Ah rating which does deplete over time depending on how the battery gets used.


No battery monitor is a foolproof solution to any 12V battery. But what every battery monitor can do is make for a better-performing battery and one that will last you a long time as long as you get the right one and use it correctly. 

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